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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yet another photo caption contest


evantonio said...

"I just love watching my sister work."

Dadspot said...

Shaving the center of my mustache is the perfect way to show a lady that I am cleaning off a place for her to sit.

Poops Magee said...

I'm thinking Arby's.

Broseph said...

Poppa been smooth since days of Underroos
Never lose, never choose to, bruise crews who
do something to us, talk go through us
Girls walk to us, wanna do us, screw us
Who us? Yeah, Poppa and Puff (ehehehe)

throttlefinger said...

Vaginatron, I have done what you asked. The undergarments have been stretched, shaken with hand and coated with self-dancing goof juice. Await your next command.